Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Attitude related topics

Attitude of Overcoming Weakness:

How we have to over come weaknesses of:

1. Anger
2. Revenge
3. Jealousy
4. Arrogance
5. Greed

Ramayan, Mahabharta and Panchtantra stories (stories sell, facts tell) are my inspirations as I am of the opinion that they were written for us to improve r ourselves a period of time.

1. Anger: I get inspiration from Laxmanjee. He re-acted to Surupnakha instead of responding to her advances! I have learnt that patience is the biggest virtue that one can learn from the raised hand of Ganeshjee. In life, at any moment we have several choices and alternatives to handle a situation. Laxmanjee could have slapped her, pushed her away, tired her hands, even pleaded with her, Bahanjee, Matajee ‘I am already married and so on’….

Instead Laxman jee lost his cool and did the unthinkable! He solved his short term problem and created serious long term problems for Ramjee and himself. I always hang on my mental book a picture of Laxmanjee and Surupnakha – and it helps! I am able to manage my anger very well.

2. Revenge: I get inspiration from Ravanjee! He did not ask all the questions from Sarup Nakha as he was very powerful!! He could have shown some patience by sending his representative to Laxmanjee to find out his side of the story!!. They could have negotiated a peaceful settlement to get the nose surgery done!

Ravanjee’s education, knowledge, wisdom and strength became undoing! Patience and Divya Drishti could have avoided his downfall.

A feeling of revenge is an expensive luxury which men of means can afford ! I go in for a compromise instead of creating long term problems for myself and my dear ones.

3. Jealousy: I get my inspiration from Daronacharyajee and Eklawya when as guru Dakshina he asked for his thumb! So that Eklaya in unable to become a far better archer than Arjuna, a prince! ‘Uski Saree …. has created millions of heartaches and ruined thousand of careers!! There is no magic wand in this world which can eliminate or reduce jealousy in you. Only your thinking: asking: doing can do it over a period of time. Self confidence. Self respect. And an attitude KFP!

4. Arrogance: I get inspiration from Dasharathjee. He boasted of his archery skills! I can shoot by hearing sound! This was in his arrogance, he killed Sarvan Kumar and paid a heavy price for his arrogance. All of us at one time or the other are guilty of doing it – but a person who manufactures positive attitudes in his mind and positive feelings in his heart – can overcome this weakness by learning from his mistakes and mistakes of others. Like I have learnt my lesson from Dashrathjee.

5. Greed: I got my inspiration from Duryodhanjee. Krishnajee offered to Duryodhna a peace plan: give 5 villages of Pandavs and there won’t be a war. Duryodhna had 100 villages – giving away 5 of was the most sensible think to do. But, greed came in the way and he chose to fight. Friends, cows don’t give milk, milk has to be extracted! So I have extracted my greed lesson from Duryodhanjee. Simple




Goals, deadlines, appointments… all these cause you to flare up. Let us take a simple example. Say you have to catch a flight scheduled to leave at 7 p.m. It is better to leave in time and reach the airport two hours before the scheduled departure time. You can utilize the extra time having a look at the bookshop.

Even if you have to meet somebody at his office at 11 a.m., it is always good to reach there at 10.45 am. Not only can you utilize the extra 15 minutes to plan your discussions or presentation outline, the other person will respect you for your punctuality and the importance that you attach to the meeting.

Delegation is an important technique and by adopting it, you can spare enough time for yourself to get involved in higher priorities.


Your prosperity or your adversity is a result of your thinking mind which keeps you rich or poor depending on how your train it.

You can think and achieve prosperity. How? You cannot select your parents, your children, your relatives, your boss! But you can always select friends. Therefore, keep the company of those who are happy with what they have got in life. When you do so, your “thoughts factory” will produce only positive thoughts.


Enjoy your work. Involve yourself fully in it. Do not waste your time looking for the stumbling blocks in your work; learn to remove them. Those who remove problems emerge as leaders. Aim to become a leader… a man different from the crowd.

Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life! Work will be like play and playing will take your away from anger and worries.




They say that nobody except God is perfect. Therefore, when you are looking for perfection in your near and dear ones or in your colleagues and the things they do, you are looking for unhappiness.

We do not mean that you should not strive for perfection, but make it a gradual process. Improve… step by step… continuously and your colleagues will not find it difficult adjusting to the gradually increasing level of standards. Setting an over ambitious target in the beginning can be highly demoralizing.

And when you make mistakes, do not fry in your pan. Rather, look at them positively as mistakes are the best teachers. Those who do not do anything make no mistakes and end up learning nothing.

Every mistake takes us a step closer to the solution. Every mistakes tells us, “This won’t work. So that? Try next… next… and next and keep on learning.”




Half the failures of this world arise from pulling in one’s horse as he is leaping. This is a very good positive thought. It is very true in life, whether in small day-to-day activities at home and at work, or in the big challenges we all face from time to time.

How wisely it was once observed that a man’s biggest enemy is himself! Just as he is about to reach his goal, he pulls back: he gives up! A little bit more and he would have made it! This failure of nerve at the critical moment, this pulling back in the face of success is due to the absence of a ‘winner’s mentality’.

And it’s all a matter of attitude. Do you think it’s the right thing to do? Do you think you deserve to win? Do you like to win? Then victory may not be all you expected, but the alternatives is a downward spiral of regret and self-doubt.

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